Releases and Updates

by: HubSpot Product Team
HubSpot Product Team

[Sunset] HubSpot Quote Templates are now customizable by default, old templates are being retired

What’s changing about HubSpot Quotes?


Starting October 10th, the Quote templates previously called “Standard” Modern, Basic, and Original have been renamed to “Legacy” Modern, Basic, and Original. 




These templates were renamed because they will be retired over the next 60 days. We recommend that you start using the new versions of Modern, Basic, Original, or our new “Flow” templates. These new versions are styled nearly identical, but offer many more customization options and new features. 


Nothing has changed for your published quotes, and you will not experience any disruptions before December 12th, 2022


We recommend spending five minutes completing three simple steps ASAP:

  1. Locate your Customized quote templates 
  2. Hide the “Legacy” versions of Modern, Basic, and Original
  3. (Sales Professional/Enterprise Only) Customize your templates


More detail on how to complete these steps available below


If you do not complete these steps before December 12th, users will be prompted to select a non-Legacy template when creating or editing a quote. Published quotes will not be impacted. However, if a published quote is recalled, the user will be prompted to select a non-Legacy template before they can re-publish.


All teams currently using the Legacy templates to create Quotes will be impacted.


What steps should I take to prevent disruption and take advantage of the new customization features?

Before starting, we recommend identifying which template(s) your team uses so that the new templates you create match the existing ones. Once complete, follow the steps below and find more detail on customization in the knowledge base


Steps 1 and 2 apply to all accounts. Step 3 ONLY applies to accounts with Sales Professional/Enterprise. 


1. Navigate to the quote template library, which is found in Settings → Objects → Quotes → Customized quote templates. You will need Super Admin access to see the “Customized quote templates” tab. 



You should see any customized quote templates that your account has already created in this section, and you should also see the new, non-Legacy Basic, Modern, and Original templates - if you do not see these templates, please contact HubSpot support. The Legacy templates will be in a different section below (see Step 2). 


If your team uses all these templates, no action is needed. If you would like to hide any of these templates from appearing in the Quote Template dropdown during quote creation, click the “Actions” menu, then the “Hide in quotes” option.  


2. Below the new templates, you will see the Legacy templates. When you hover over each template, you will see the option to “Hide in quotes”. Once you’ve selected the template(s) you want to use in Step 1, hide all Legacy templates.



3. As a Sales Professional/Enterprise customer, you can make many customizations. If you’d like to make customizations (e.g. swapping logos, adding default text, changing fonts, changing colors), you can click “Edit” in the Actions menu for the non-Legacy templates. Or, you can click “Customize quote template”. 


Note: Module content (what each section contains) can be modified on the main template editing screen. Changes to fonts or colors can be made by going to Settings (at the top of the screen, next to “Content”) and clicking “Edit theme settings”. Moving modules or adding modules is not supported at this time.


You can create any number of templates, which will appear in the Quote Template dropdown unless you explicitly hide them by using the Actions menu and selecting, “Hide in quotes”.


Why are we sunsetting Legacy quote templates in exchange for the new templates?

First, the new templates are styled nearly identical, but they also offer customization features including…


  • Adding/removing columns to the Line Item Table module
  • Hiding sections from the template entirely (e.g. removing Terms or Comments)
  • Rendering images in the Line Item Table 
  • Embeddable personalization tokens to reduce data entry 
  • Rich text modules for adding images, videos, etc. to sections of the template
  • Quotes can be hosted on your connected domain
  • and so much more

Second, the new templates are built on a foundation that will enable many exciting Quotes features to better fit our Community’s needs, such as:


  • A drag and drop editor for templates
  • Reporting on when a buyer reads a quote, or clicks on Sign or Pay (for example)
  • Marking certain sections as “editable” by a quote-creator, while others are locked
  • Creating an open market for quote templates created by website developers

Our old quote template platform was not compatible with these features, and maintaining two slows down our ability to build exciting features. By switching to the new format, you not only unlock new features, but you also make it easier for our team to build even more. 


Thank you for reading and for using HubSpot Quotes!