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Por: Equipo de producto de HubSpot
Equipo de producto de HubSpot

Scale your Automation with Twice as Many Workflows in Enterprise

A core tenet of HubSpot's software is that our tools start free and grow with you.

One specific example: for HubSpot to match your team's scale, you need enough workflows to automate your team's process as it expands. Over the years, you've given us the same feedback again and again: 500 workflows is a good start, but it's not enough to truly scale.

With that feedback in mind, as of today, if you have the enterprise tier of any HubSpot hub, you now have twice as many workflows as before --- 1000, instead of 500.

That means you can create twice as many nurturing campaigns, automate twice as many data management processes, and more. More automation means more time saved on menial tasks, which means more time to spend on the things that most improve your customers' experience.

Two additional notes:

  • The change only impacts Enterprise accounts.
  • The limit is not additive. In other words, if you have the Enterprise tier of more than one hub, your limit remains 1000 workflows. 

Want to create another workflow in HubSpot? Don't let us stop you.