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by: HubSpot Product Team
HubSpot Product Team

Save Time by Cloning Dashboards

Your reports are the compass for your business. They tell you what's worked and what hasn't in the past, so you can optimize your plays for the future. To get a clear picture of a certain aspect of your growth, one report might not suffice. That's where HubSpot dashboards come in. With dashboards, you can collect up to ten HubSpot reports in one place and distribute them to stakeholders in your company quickly and easily. You might set up a dashboard for your Brazilian sales team's performance, your small business services team's service level agreement, or your marketing team's MQL sources. 

In Enterprise HubSpot accounts, you can create up to 25 dashboards. If you've purchased the Reporting Add-on, you can create up to 200. Sometimes --- like in the examples above --- your dashboards will be very different. In other cases, you might want to create several dashboards with small variations. For example, you might create individual sales rep scorecards for each of the reps on your team.

Previously, creating slight variations of dashboards would've required creating a brand new dashboard, and recreating each report, piece by piece. With today's update, you can clone an entire dashboard with one click. Just like that.

Here's how it works:

  1. When viewing a dashboard, click the “Settings” button on the top right.
  2. Click “Clone dashboard” in menu.
  3. Provide the cloned dashboard a new name in the popup box.
  4. Adjust the visibility of the dashboard in the popup box.
  5. Click “Clone dashboard” button.

Screen Recording 2019-01-29 at 05.13 PM


Want to try out the new functionality? Head to your dashboard and give it a go!

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