Releases and Updates

Por: HubSpot Employee
HubSpot Employee

Ratings and Reviews in the App Marketplace

Now live is the ability for you to leave ratings and detailed reviews in the App Marketplace to help other customers, and the provider, understand how an app is performing.
Whether you’re trying to care for a plant, buy new software, find your next job, or simply purchase a new water bottle, the options are limitless and there are mountains of information available online to “help” you do it. Social proof is what helps you sift through the noise and choose the option that’s best for you.

Previously in the App Marketplace, there was no way for you to get a feel from fellow customers for the effectiveness or quality of experience using an app. Today, that’s changed. With this new update, you can now see ratings and reviews from fellow HubSpot customers directly on the app listing page within the App Marketplace -- increasing informed choice and trust with your App Marketplace experience. With ratings and reviews on app listing pages, you can make a more informed decision and complete more of the discovery process inside of HubSpot.

Even better? You can leave your own thoughts on your experience using an app to help out other customers, too. Plus, the app creators will have full visibility into your feedback so that they can use your experience to continue to improve their app offerings. 

To check out ratings and reviews for apps, simply scroll down to the bottom of the app listing page in the App Marketplace.

You will be able to leave a rating or review if:

  • You are signed into a HubSpot account (not a developer portal) with the app you are looking to rate and review installed
  • You have not already reviewed that app in another portal
  • Less than three people have already reviewed that app from your portal
  • You have not uninstalled the app within the last 14 days

HubSpot will send you an automated email 30 days after you install an app asking you to leave a review. 

App providers will be able to see the reviews you leave them in their developer account and will get an email whenever they get a new review or one gets taken down.

Who gets it?

This update is now live and available to all HubSpot users and in all languages supported by HubSpot.