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by: HubSpot製品開発チーム

[Now Live] We’ve Changed How we Calculate Average Time on Page

What is it?
We’ve changed how we calculate the average time on page metric within HubSpot.


Why does it matter?
Our old calculation for average time on page took into account page exits. For any page that had a high exit rate, the average time on page that you would see would be lower than expected as a result. By removing exits from our calculation, you can expect your average time on page metric to be more accurate, and align better with industry standards.

How does it work?
The old calculation was:

Sum of page view durations excluding exits
Total page views including exits

This typically distorted your average time on page data because we took into account page exits - the last page viewed during a session.

The new calculation will be:

Sum of page view durations excluding exits
Sum of page views excluding exits

Across the board, users might see their average time on page data increase to a more accurate number.

For more information on how to analyze your page performance, feel free to check out this knowledge doc.

Who gets it?
This is now live to all Marketing Hub Basic, Professional, and Enterprise Users.

What language is it in?
All languages supported by HubSpot.