Releases and Updates

by: HubSpot Product Team
HubSpot Product Team

[Now Live] - Two updates to creating tasks in Workflows

What is it?

New Fields: When you create a task through Workflows, you can now set the Type, Title, and Reminder Date fields automatically. 
Task Personalization: In addition, you can also add contact personalization tokens to both the Task Title and Notes. 

Click here to try it out in your portal.  

Why it matters
Task automation through Workflows will notify sales teams to take action on important events. Tasks will now include context and information to make the follow-up process more efficient.


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Who gets it
All Marketing Professional and Enterprise customers

How it works
When you add an action to create a task in Workflows, you’ll see the new fields available. The Title and Notes fields now have a button to “Insert contact token” which will allow you to insert a personalization from a contact property. 

What languages is this available in?
All languages

Please let us know if you have any questions or feedback!