Releases and Updates

by: HubSpot製品開発チーム

[Now Live] Reporting on Payment Object





What is it?

We launched reporting on the payment object. This allows you to have visibility into sales data from various aspects of your business, thus enabling improved reporting and growth.

HubSpot Payments aims to integrate commerce with CRM so that you can break the silos of back-office and front-office, use fewer tools and sell better.  With the payment object now in the reporting framework, you can unlock the power of HubSpot’s CRM.  

Why does it matter?

Currently, HubSpot Payments customers get two pre-built reports on payment usage:
(1) a payment report 
(2) a payout report.

These reports are based on the payment-processing data. This works well for reconciliation and accounting purposes; however, these reports do not capture front-office information along with payments, e.g. the deal for which the payment was collected, the contact record of who made the payment, and more.

How does it work?

With this launch, you will get access to report on the payment object in several ways, including:

  • Single object report:
    Customers can select from the wide range of payment properties to build reports that work for all their team needs, such as revenue reports for the CEO or total fees paid for the finance team.

  • Cross object report:
    Select contacts, companies, deals, quotes, line items or subscriptions along with payment objects to create powerful reports that can help identify growth levers.

This ensures transparency and flexibility in driving insights based on reporting on the payment object. 

Who gets it?

All payments customers on any Hub with Pro+ access.

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