Releases and Updates

by: HubSpot Product Team
HubSpot Product Team

[Now Live] - New In-App Integration Listings Page

What is it:
We’ve updated the in-app integration listings page in HubSpot. This change brings our new visual redesign, an enhanced UI, and a simple way for you to see what you have integrated (what apps have access to your data) and make changes as desired. You can find the in-app integration page in the right hand drop down next to Hub ID in your portal.  

Click here to view your integrations. 

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The new page includes a searchable, categorized list of all available integrations and a new tab called Your Integrations. This tab provides a view of all installed integrations, status where available, and the ability to uninstall each integration.

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Now live for all customers - 2/6/17

This update shows you which connected applications are authorized to access your HubSpot data, and disconnect any applications that are no longer needed. 

Who gets it:
All Marketing and Sales Customers

How it works:
Within HubSpot, open the upper right menu and click on Integrations to view the new listing page. Tabs at the top allow you to select My Integrations to view and manage currently installed applications or All Integrations to find and select new applications.