Releases and Updates

by: HubSpot Employee
HubSpot Employee

[Now Live] Make Customer Feedback More Actionable with Customizable Thank You Messages

What is it?
Now live is the ability to customize thank you messages to customers based on the rating they give you in a survey.

Why is it important?
You collect customer feedback so that you can understand the needs of your customers and take action to meet those needs. With today’s update, taking action is easier than ever.

Now, with customizable thank you messages, you can control the message your customer sees based on the exact rating they give you. For example, you can prompt detractors to book a meeting with a customer service agent or offer promoters a gift card in exchange for posting on a review site. All without any extra manual work from you - which saves you valuable time and keeps your flywheel spinning.

How does it work?
When creating a customer loyalty or customer support survey:

  • Go to the “Thank You” tab
  • Choose the response you’d like to customize (detractor, passive, promoter - or difficult, neutral, easy)
  • Type your custom subject and message in the boxes
  • Preview your custom messages on the right-hand side of the screen


Who gets it?
This update is now live and available to all Service Hub Professional users.

What language is it in?
Available in all languages supported by HubSpot.