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[Now Live] Forecasting and its widgets on Mobile



What is it?

You can now check your sales forecast on your phone not only on iOS but on Android as well!


Forecasting is a powerful tool with two main goals: on the one side, it supports Sales Managers to check their teams forecasting on the go. On the other, it allows Sales Reps to update their forecasts and include their notes on those from the app in a seamless way.


How does it work?

The Forecasting feature provides Sales Managers with the opportunity to visualize, filter, and edit their team forecasting. They have the option to see forecasting at a global level but also filter it to the sales rep level.
With this solution they can quickly see how the team is performing and provide support as needed.


Forecasting also helps Sales Reps update their forecast seamlessly from the app. Let’s imagine they just have had a call and their initial forecast is lower than the current one. Just after registering their call, they can open forecasting from the app, update the forecast, and include a note for the record.


The forecasts can be filtered by pipeline and period of time.


On mobile, we view convenience as a must. Updating forecasts can get done in the in-between moments of our users' life wherever they are and this is why forecasts will help them make the right action at any moment. For example, do sales managers need to rethink their team strategy? Do sales reps need to create some tasks to follow up just after updating the forecast?




How do I get this?

Once you update to the latest version of the iOS and Android App, you will be able to see this menu under the More Menu. Automatically all your Forecasts will be there, ready to be visualized.


You can also access the feature through the Today main page, where there is a Forecast Section. On Android you can add a widget on your home screen to have direct access to the feature and visualize your progress at a glance.




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