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by: HubSpot Employee
HubSpot Employee

[Now Live] Email Health by Industry

What is it?

Note: This data is only available for some industries. More industries will be available once there is enough data to provide an industry health score.


Email Health is a way for a customer to gauge if they are successful with email and how inbox providers view their mail. It takes the key factors in email deliverability and provides a high level view of how their email marketing efforts are performing. Email Health will now provide industry specific benchmarks for overall health and each of the metrics that factor into the score.


Why does it matter?

Different industries have different thresholds for what constitutes as success. Comparing performance across all HubSpot users is impactful, but having the context of industry empowers our customers to be confident in how to measure and improve their email deliverability, and ensure they are following best practices.


How does it work?

Customers will be able toggle between two views: one that provides their email health compared to all industries and one that compares their email health to industry specific benchmarks.




The "On Track" benchmarks will update for each of the key metrics. For example, if a customer is in the Education Industry, the open & click rate benchmarks will be industry specific.


Who gets it?

This is for all portals with Marketing Hub.

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