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Por: Equipe de Produto da HubSpot
Equipe de Produto da HubSpot

[Now Live] Edit the Canonical URL of a Page and Set Portal Defaults

UPDATE: On January 8th, a change was implemented that set the canonical URLs for website pages, landing pages, and blog posts to null by default. Today, we are reverting this change but adding a new setting within Content Settings that allows users to manage how canonical URLs are handled for all their HubSpot pages, blog posts, and blog listing pages.   

What is it?
Within One Settings, there is now a new setting where users can set a portal default for the behavior of the canonical URLS for their web pages, blog posts, and now their blog listing pages.

Why is it important?
A canonical URL is an HTML element that tells search engines which piece of content is the preferred version, and consolidates search authority to one page. Today’s update allows you set a portal default so you do not have to worry about the canonical URL of every page on your site. We’ve also given you even more control over your site structure by allowing you to set the canonical URLs of your blog listing pages to either the first page in its series, or remain blank by default.

How it works
Within Settings, navigate to Web Pages>Page Templates. Here, you’ll see the following setting options allowing you to set portal defaults for the canonical URLs of your pages and blog posts, as well as your blog listing pages.

canonical one settings-1.png

So what specific behavior has changed?

Website Pages, Landing Pages and Blog Post URLs

  • Site Pages and Blog Post URLs will be set to self-canonicalize by default
  • If a page or post’s canonical URL is custom (not self-canonicalized or set to null) it will maintain the customized canonical URL after this change.
  • This portal default setting can be overwritten within the page editor settings at the individual page or post level
page settings canonical.png 

Blog Listing Pages

  • Blog listing pages will be set to null by default
  • The blog listing page canonical URL can either be set to null, or set to the first page in its series. It can not be customized.
  • If you have multiple blogs, either all your blog listing pages are self-canonicalized, or they are all set to null.

Who gets it?
This change is now live for all Marketing Basic, Professional, and Enterprise users.

What language is it in?
All languages supported by HubSpot