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by: HubSpot Moderator
HubSpot Moderator

[Now Live] Customer Experience Survey Web Delivery in Feedback, Service Hub

What is it:
Service Hub customers can now deliver surveys to visitors via their website. These customer experience surveys are a new option in the feedback tool in Service Hub.

Click here to see it live in your portal.

You'll seen web deliver as a new option when deploying CSAT surveys. 

Feedback is the secret ingredient to growing better

If you want to go change your growth model from an outdated funnel to a customer driven flywheel, the first step is to get in touch with the customer. Start engaging more customers in conversation more often. The result will be tons of customer feedback. To help capture this data you can use the customer feedback tool in Service Hub. With feedback you'll capture customer insights in a quantitative format that provides insights to help you understand what your customers think about your product or service and why.

“There is now a shared visibility where everyone can see what’s going on. The product team goes into the feedback tool and reads responses for instance. We’re constantly sharing new metrics with leadership and everyone has a better view of the customer.”
- Doug Dotts Director of Client Outcomes at Unific


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With the ability to now deliver customer experience surveys via the web, you can get surveys to your site visitors as they experience your website. Feedback that comes from users (known contacts) while they are experiencing your site and the insights we’ve seen customers gather from it are unlike other types.

Ecommerce companies can use this new feature to collect feedback on a post-checkout experience and learn why a person didn’t buy. Technology companies can use it to gather feedback from happy users on a new feature that just launched to understand why people get so much value from it. Media companies can use it to better understand the quality of a page on your website, in the moment when your customer is experiencing it. 

How it works:

You can find this new delivery option when creating or editing a Customer Experience survey: Click here to see if live in your portal.

Who gets it:
This feature is currently available to Service Hub Professional and Ent customers.

What languages is this available in?
Available in all languages supported by HubSpot.