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Por: Equipe de Produto da HubSpot
Equipe de Produto da HubSpot

[Now Live] Change the Order of your Email Subscriptions

You can now change the order in which your email subscriptions appear when someone reaches your manage email subscription preferences page

Why does it matter?
As your business grows, so will the list of subscription types your company has. What started as one blog subscription email and one marketing email subscription can quickly grow to a list of several blog subscriptions, a company newsletter subscription, a product update subscription...the list goes on. But as we know, some email types might have more recipients than others. In the past, there was no way to surface the most prominent email types within your account at the top of the email preferences page. Email types were listed in order of when they were created, so if your most popular email type was also your most recently created, your customers would have to scroll all the way to the bottom of your email preferences page to find it. With today’s update, you can now rearrange these email types so the most prominent ones are shown first, saving your customers time when they go to manage their email preferences.

How does it work?
Within Settings, navigate to Marketing > Email > Types. Here you’ll see all the various email types you have created within your portal in the order they would show up on your subscription preferences page. From this page, you can easily drag and drop your email types to find the order that makes the most sense for you and your team.

email type drag n drop


Who gets it?
This is now available to all Marketing Hub Basic, Professional, and Enterprise portals.

What language is it in?
All languages supported by HubSpot