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[Live To All] Workflows sync to Sandbox

What is it?

Customers can now sync workflows, along with lists, forms and automated emails to their Sandbox accounts.


Why does it matter?

Customers want to be able to test changes to their workflows in a safe environment. When customers are updating multiple workflows or want to understand how a workflow would behave with a large number of CRM records, they need a safe place to test. The "test" functionality in our workflows tool is great for testing a few contacts in one workflow, but it's hard to test complex changes, which means using a Sandbox is the better solution.


How does it work?

Customers can select workflows, lists, forms and automated email when they create or update their Sandbox. Note: All lists will sync as static lists and blog comment forms are not supported.


Workflows have a lot more dependencies than lists, forms and emails. For those dependencies that we don't sync, customers will see a validation reminder that a change is needed and it will encourage them to fill it in manually.


For more details, see the public knowledge base article: Sync automated emails, forms, lists, and workflows to a sandbox account.