Releases and Updates

by: HubSpot Moderator
HubSpot Moderator

In Beta - Smart Content by Preferred Language

Your visitors aren’t one-size-fits-all. The languages you display content in, shouldn’t be either. Tailoring your customer experience so that fits every individual visitor, regardless of where they are visiting from, and in the language they use, improves every aspect of your inbound marketing and helps increase conversion rates.

With the new ability to anonymously personalize content by preferred language you can customize on-page content based on the language the visitor prefers within their browser. Smart Content by language suports over 130 languages that are found in browsers such as Chrome, and Firefox.


When you choose Preferred Language and cliick Next step, you can choose the applicable browser languages that you want to personalize content for.


HubSpot Professional & Enterprise customers in the beta group now have access to this feature. Want to try it out for yourself? Join the beta group here.