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by: HubSpot Product Team
HubSpot Product Team

[In Beta] Bulk Upload Facebook & LinkedIn Posts

You can now bulk upload Facebook and LinkedIn posts in the social publishing tool, similarly to how you’ve been able to bulk upload Tweets in the past. Posts made in bulk will also now pull images from links into the post preview, so you can see exactly how your Tweets, Facebook and LinkedIn posts will look when they go live.

Why does it matter?
For a social media marketer, timing is everything. As you execute your social strategy, being able to schedule a week’s worth of posts in bulk saves you time, and ensures your posts fire exactly when you intended them to. Being able to see any images included in your social post as they are scheduled also lets you ensure that posts are being sent as you intended them to go out.

Adding Facebook and LinkedIn as an option for bulk upload lets you easily plan out your social strategy in advance, freeing you up to focus on more mission critical tasks. Bulk uploading to Facebook and LinkedIn, as well as previewing links for bulk uploaded posts, were also two of the most heavily requested features on the ideas forum.

How does it work?
Within the social publishing tool, select the option to “schedule in bulk” and download the Excel or CSV import template. Within the import template, you’ll now be able to select not only a Twitter account you want to post to, but also Facebook and LinkedIn accounts that you have connected within social settings.


For any posts scheduled in bulk that include a link, we will now process that link prior to posting to Facebook, LinkedIn, or Twitter, allowing you to see the featured image pulled in to your post within the post preview.

Who gets it?
This is currently in beta. It will be available to all users of the social tool within the next week or two.

What language is it in?
All languages supported by HubSpot.