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Por: Equipe de Produto da HubSpot
Equipe de Produto da HubSpot

[HubSpot Developers] - Migrate your integration to OAuth 2.0

We’ve updated how OAuth works for integrations and need app authors to take action. If you own a HubSpot integrations please switch from OAuth1 to OAuth2 by 8/11/17 for your app to cointue to allow new signups. We've created a comprehensive guide to help you make the switch. 

Migration Documents - OAuth1 to OAuth 2.0

What's OAuth 2.0?

OAuth lets a user give your app access to their HubSpot account. This upgrade, improves how this process works. We've focused on making a more secure and scalable way of making authentication work with this update. Oauth 2.0 is specific to the tools designated by the authorization scopes you set. You can find more details about the available scopes and the tools they provide access to here.

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Click here to learn more about OAuth 2.0 and how it works.

Why does this mean for an integration you built? 
For your apps to continue to allow new signups, you need to update your integration from OAuth1 to OAuth2 by 8/11/17. 

At the end of the year, OAuth1 will be shut off, causing apps that haven't been migrated to stop syncing with HubSpot.

To get started with the change please review the migration documents. If you need help, make use of our Developer Community and support forum found here

What does this mean for an integration you use?
If your integration is a certified HubSpot Connect integration, it has already made this transition and you will not be impacted. Although, you may need to re-connect the integration at some point in the future. 

If you are using a custom built integration, that you did not build.
You or the folks that built the integration will need to change the auth process for this integration to continue to work properly. You should either reach out to the person or team that built the integration and share this blog post, or review the migration documentsIf you need help, make use of the Developer Community and support forum found here