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[HubSpot Connect] - Vidyard Integration

What’s this integration partner do?

Vidyard is video platform that offers hosting, tools (forms, gates), management and analytics. Vidyard make it easier for marketers to manage their video, include interactive features to drive leads and provides insights into video viewers.

<script type="text/javascript" id="vidyard_embed_code_LXd9WfzJrCDSSeEmSakDsn" src="//"></script>


How does Vidyard integrate with HubSpot?

Vidyard integrates with HubSpot Sales and Marketing. New leads generated from Vidyard videos are added to the Contact Database and video data is added to a contact’s timeline. This video data can be used to build lists and trigger workflows. Video data is also added to a contact timeline in the CRM.

How-to get started:

Vidyard is a paid tool but is offering a 14-day free trial for HubSpot customers. Customers can learn more and request a demo here.

Customers with Vidyard should reference this page to connect HubSpot.


This integration is built and supported by Vidyard. Customers can reach out to them for support. 
Email:, Phone: 1 800 530 3878 option 2

How might Sales and Marketing us this?

More and more inbound marketers are investing in video. That’s because it’s the future of content. It’s where social giants like Facebook are focused and it’s at the top of most content marketers investment list. However video, unlike other content, comes with a unique set of challenges. What video should I create? How do I store and distribute the content? How do I drive leads and integrate forms? How do I bring this data into HubSpot and connect it with my larger inbound marketing campaigns? Vidyard solves these issue through a powerful video platform and deep HubSpot integration. This investment from Marketing in turn impacts Sales. How can the salesperson use video as a signal to close more deals? They can use content consumption behavior of prospects to better time outreach and guide discussions.

Integration pages: