In sales, you need to see the most important things front and center. The more you have to search and scroll to find what you’re looking for, the less you’ll sell. Plain and simple.
With today’s update, you can sort your deal board by any property you choose. Sort by amount to put your most valuable deals front and center, by owner to check in on your reps’ deals one-by-one, or whatever’s most important to your team.
How it works
From the deal board, click Actions > Sort Deals
Choose your preference, then save, and the deal board will be automatically re-ordered.
The sort configuration is set on a per-user basis. In addition, the sort "sticks" --- if you navigate away from the deal board, then come back to it, the sort will be the same way you left it.
In addition, note that the new sorting is only on the "board" view of deals. The table view can be sorted by clicking on any of the column headers.
Deal sorting is now available in all HubSpot CRM portals. Try it out on your deal board now.
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