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Par: Équipe de développement de HubSpot
Équipe de développement de HubSpot

Custom Domain Security Settings Now Available Across All Tiers of CMS Hub

CMS Hub Professional and Starter customers can now use custom domain  security settings for all domains connected in HubSpot. Each header serves a different purpose, but they all contribute to web security.


The alternative to using the in-app domain security header options are complex and require access to technical resources. Not all Professional or Starter-level portals need CMS Hub Enterprise; they just need specific domain security settings to ensure they remain compliant within their given industry.



Here's how it works

The following steps can be taken to view and set security headings for a connected custom domain. For more context on what security settings HubSpot offers and what each does, visit the knowledge base content linked here.

  • Navigate to the Domain Manager (click the settings icon settings in the main navigation bar > in the left sidebar menu, navigate to “Website” > “Domains & URLs”).
  • Locate the domain in question, click “Edit” and select “Update domain security settings”.
  • In the resulting modal, select the “Security headers” tab.