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Clickmap Visualization - See where users are clicking in your emails

Knowing where users are clicking on your emails is extremely valuable. Do they prefer to click on links in the top, middle, or bottom? How many links are they clicking? Answers to these questions can be hard to get - until now.

With all emails sent in HubSpot you can now see clickmap visualization of where your users are interacting. Here's an example.

Visualize where users click your email with HubSpot

Clickmap visualization provides:

  • An easy way to see the distribution and placement of links in your email, and which are being clicked
  • How many clicks each link recieves
  • A/B test emails to see which version of links users prefer
  • and more ...

How to Find Your Clickmap Visualization

Clickmap analytics is automatically integrated into every email you send in HubSpot. To see your visualization simply navigate to the Performance tab of your email and scroll down to the "Clicked Links" section.

For more information, please check out the How can I visualize clicks in my sent email Knowledge Base article.