Releases and Updates

Par: Modérateur HubSpot
Modérateur HubSpot

Automated Assignment will be exclusive to paid Pro seats by 11/1

What is it?

Come 11/1/18, automated assignment, the process of automatically assigning ownership of a CRM record, conversation, or any other object, will only be available for users with paid seats. Users who don’t have a paid seat will not be able to have an object assigned to them automatically.

This change only impacts new portals starting on 11/1. All pre-existing customers prior to this date will retain the ability to assign any user with automated assignment. 

Why it matters:
Automated assignment is a commonly used feature in many parts of HubSpot: workflows, conversations, bots, etc. You may use it in workflows to assign ownership of contacts to users, assign tasks to sales and services teams, assign tickets to reps, and in conversations and bots to assign conversations to a user.

How it works
Anywhere in workflows that you see a dropdown to assign something to a user, you will only be able to select users with paid Professional seats and above.


Automated Assignment-1

Who gets it?
Only Customers that purchase HubSpot Professional or above after 11/1 will need to have a paid seat to use automated assignment.

Post 11/1:
In Professional, apps can also have automated assignment through Workflows, but it must be on paid seats (ex: Contact Assignment, Ticket Assignment).

What language is it in?
This update is available in all languages supported by HubSpot.