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by: HubSpot Product Team
HubSpot Product Team

Add Multiple Domains to Companies in HubSpot

For the longest time, the company object in HubSpot could only have one associated domain. One company was equal to one domain. Real talk: that's overly simplistic.

Many companies have multiple domains that represent their business. Maybe your company operates in more than one country, or maybe you've acquired other companies. Maybe you just didn’t like your original domain and changed it, but you still keep the old domain for their email.

Last year, HubSpot broke the "one domain per company" by introducing company deduplication and company merge - two tools that make it possible for a company to have one primary domain, then a number of secondary domains. For example, we can now merge the company records associated with and into a single record, with as the primary domain. When we do that, all activity associated with will move onto the company record associated with, and future activity will be logged there too.

Company merge and de-duplication are great. But they’re reactive. You can only merge two (or more) companies when duplicates already exist. With today's change, you can now proactively add multiple domains to a company. That'll ensure that all the activity associated with a company is attached to the right company record, your CRM stays clean, and your team remains efficient.

Here's how it works:

Navigate to any company record and click on the “Company domain name” property. Add as many secondary domains to a company object as you like.

Adding secondary domains to a company means that when contacts associated with those secondary domains perform any activity recorded by HubSpot, all of that data will be automatically associated with that company record. All of those contacts’ activity (or deals, tickets, etc.) will now be viewable on the primary company timeline and available for use in automation or reporting, as if they were associated with the primary domain.

In the case in the GIF above, any contacts with an email will be added to HubSpot and will be seen in the Timeline, Automation, and Reporting as if they were contacts. It just works!

The new feature has some important guardrails.

What you can do with multiple domains is powerful and exciting. But, what you can’t do is almost as important. Here are some important guardrails for using multiple domains successfully.

  1. Multiple domains are not a substitute for using company merge. If a domain is already attached to a company record and you add that domain as a secondary domain, the system will not prompt you to merge those records and data will continue to be written to the first record associated with that domain.

  2. Multiple domains are not parent-child relationships. Adding a secondary domain(s) to a company does not create parent/child relationships. Parent-child relationships still need to be managed from the Related Companies sidebar card. Adding multiple secondary domains aggregates data to that one record across Marketing tools, Sales tools, Reporting, and Automation (which Related Companies does not). Use them both together for optimal results.

  3. Secondary domains cannot be exported. For now, if you export a list of companies, the secondary domains will not be included in the export.

  4. You cannot update secondary email via the API. For now, secondary domains can only be updated manually via the UI.

  5. You cannot bulk edit secondary domains. Secondary domains need to be added or removed one at a time from the record they are associated with.

  6. Secondary domains cannot be synced from Salesforce (or another integration). If you have secondary domains in Salesforce or another integrated tool, they’ll have to be added manually for now.


Keeping those nuances in mind, adding multiple domains is still an immensely powerful feature, particularly if you’re selling to multinational businesses or businesses with integrated subsidiaries.

This is especially true for companies with an account-based growth strategy, in which it’s crucially important that your marketing and sales teams have a clear picture of what’s happening across all your contacts at a certain company

This feature is not live in all HubSpot accounts.