We have some active campaigns and my leads can respond by WhatsApp but I will be out of the office. How other team members can receive direct notification via teams or mail that there is a message to be answered. Even if the conversation was alr 続きを読む
Hey! When you go to create a workflow, you'll want to select Conversation instead of the default Contacts. This will let you select trigger based...続きを読む
Hi guys, Some context: Our company has a "Contact Us" HubSpot form. Whenever someone fills this out, our sales rep emails them to start a conversation. I've set up a workflow in our org that also gets triggered whenever someone fills the 続きを読む
Hi @kennedyp , Thanks for your response. Yes you're right about an email getting sent *before* the dealy starts, which is why the workflow wait...続きを読む
Hello I have what feels like a simple workflow that I'm struggling (I'm fairly new to HubSpot). I'd like to create a workflow that sets Marketing Contact status based on deal stage. So for example, if a deal is moved to "Won", we want the conta 続きを読む
We have integrations from multiple apps to HubSpot, and one of them has a field for a personal email address. It was easy enough to add that property in HubSpot, but when when creating the workflow to add the personal email to the HubSpot Email prop 続きを読む
Hi, I have a form where the the user can sign upp for different training sessions at different dates like: Beginner training - January Beginner training - Februrary Advanced training - January Advanced training - Februrary Since it's 続きを読む
I have created a workflow that has a branch based on filter critera so that when a recipient of an email has clicked on a specific link, it is structured to send internal email notification to the contact owner alerting them that a customer has clic 続きを読む
I need to automate updating the deal stages on one of your pipelines based on the associated contact's static list membership. For example: Sales Rep opens Deal and sets as stage = trial link sent Associated contact activates free trial and g 続きを読む
Hello there, My organization has multiple accounts due to legal restrictions that prohibit sharing data from within one singular CRM. All of the accounts are under the same domain. For one account, we utilize the Marketing Hub Enterprise. Are we a 続きを読む
Hi all,
I've been trying to find a solution for this issue for a while now and would appreciate your help.
We are updating the marketing contact status on one of our customer's portals based on a list we are getting daily. This list is deriv 続きを読む