Microsoft recently announced a new version of Outlook that does not support VSTO add-ins, and with that its intention to move away from the VSTO add-in framework entirely. This announcement naturally impacts the HubSpot Sales VSTO read more
Hi HubSpot Community, we have recently started using the Deals pipeline and we use the Outlook extension to log emails to contacts, companies and now also deals. For one of my team member, the email automaically logs to all deals that are currentl read more
Hi @LLWelly ,
This sounds like their log and track preferences and association defaults are not set up correctly. You can send them this more
I'm having some difficulty adding deals to contacts via the HubSpot Outlook extension. I have a large number of deals in HubSpot, however, none of them are available when I go to add them to a contact. All I can do is create a new deal, not assign a read more
Hi @AH4991 ! No it does not appear that you can assign an existing Deal through the plug in. If you really want to start there, and you know there' more
I have contractors who do a lot of little jobs. I want the ability to keep track of these jobs even after they are complete. We are the first contact on a constrtuction project and these jobs need to be active through a long 1-2 year lifecycle. Ca read more
I would love to see this deals filter (see photo 1), right next to the DEALS section on a contact page: This way I can only show the deals that are more
Hello, Since few weeks i am experiencing a very slow process about the loading time of the pages. Are you working on it? For exemple, i had to wait 10s to display the front page of community hubspot. I'm sure my internet connexion works pret read more
Hi all. New user here. My system is logging my emails sent from outlook to the relevant contact and deal however when I look at my deals screen I can not get it to show as an activity in the last activity property. Is there a way to either make lo read more