
HubSpot Employee
HubSpot Employee

Sales and Service - Uploading Documents in your HubSpot Portal

Welcome to the Onboarding Community!


Within HubSpot, as you are setting up your system during the onboarding process, a key step is to upload some key documents into the portal for use in the future.


These documents, can then be available for sending to key individuals with whom you are communicating with, whether it is a Sales Rep communicating with a Prospect for example, or a Customer Success Rep communicating with a Customer etc. 


Uploading Documents to your HubSpot Portal

This video below will explain how you can upload documents in your HubSpot portal and then how you can see how these documents are performing and resonating with those you are sending them to.



Note: Please note that the options you see in this video in this demo environment may differ depending on the HubSpot Subscription you have purchased.


Additional Resources:

HubSpot Knowledge Base Article

1) Upload and Share Documents



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