How to find a contact by using only their phone number?
If I receive a call from one of my prospects to the number I have assigned in Hubspot, only the number shows - not the name of the prospect. How can I find the prospect details using the phone number only?
How to find a contact by using only their phone number?
I have two answers.
First, to answer your question directly, in the search bar in contacts, you can put I think almost anything into the search bar line, including telephone number. I just tested it and the contact name came up immediately.
Second answer, in my Android phone app I enabled the app's ability to display contact name from my HubSpot records. Works also with iPhones. Please let me know if this works for you. It's very handy.
How to find a contact by using only their phone number?
I have two answers.
First, to answer your question directly, in the search bar in contacts, you can put I think almost anything into the search bar line, including telephone number. I just tested it and the contact name came up immediately.
Second answer, in my Android phone app I enabled the app's ability to display contact name from my HubSpot records. Works also with iPhones. Please let me know if this works for you. It's very handy.