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Does HubSpot Sales Tool when you connect it in your email also work (email tracking) on smartphones? When you receive or send an email from you smartphone is that email automatically logged in the HubSpot CRM?
Hi @ab, yes, as long as the forwarded/BCC'ed emails follow the general guidelines for logging and forwarding, you should have no issues with manually adding your BCC/Forwarding address to your emails on mobile! However, the emails will not be tracked, just logged.
It would be great to have an email inbox in the Hubspot Mobile App so reps can reply from there and have it track automatically. Then you don't need to worry about the BCC step.
So here are, almost to the 2nd month of 2021 and nothing on the logged emails for smartphones or tablets... Makes you wonder if any of the moderators are reporting this back to the creators...
I'd recommend upvoting this Idea in our Ideas Forum regarding this. The Ideas Forum is monitored by our Product Team. You can also subscribe to the idea (Options > Subscribe) to get notified if the status changes and for any updates.
if you read through the post, this was originally asked for in 2016. your suggestion was followed to the tee in 2018. it’s 2021 & all Hubspot can say is to do what was done 3 yrs ago. we still want this!
Thank you for your reply. I am sorry for the frustration caused, but upvoting and commenting on the idea previously linked is the best way to get the attention of the Product Team that regularly monitors the Ideas Forum. The more interest an Idea is getting, the more likely it could be implemented. For more information about the Ideas Forum process, I invite you to read this post from our Ideas Forum Manager.
juin 23, 20219:45 AM - modifié juin 23, 20219:47 AM
Email tracking on smartphone - HubSpot Sales Tool
Has this been implemented? The other thing that bugs me, is if I look at an email on my phone it flags it as an open. If as first step that was stopped it would be helpful.
At this stage this is not implemented, I'd recommend upvoting this Idea in our Ideas Forum regarding this. The Ideas Forum is monitored by our Product Team. You can also subscribe to the idea (Options > Subscribe) to get notified if the status changes and for any updates.
For your other question, you can block self open via these steps or these steps. If you're still think something is wrong, I would recommend connecting with HubSpot Technical Support, as Support is included in your subscription and they will be able to provide real-time assistance for this matter, where you are able to share screenshots and examples regarding this.
The only way at the moment is to block via IP, - if you'd like something else or your phone is using another IP, I'd recommend posting an Idea in our Ideas Forum regarding this. That way other users can upvote it; and the Product Team regularly monitors the Forum.
Hard to believe you posted this in 2016 and 2 years later someone follows HS advice of posting it in the idea section. Well it's 2020 already and still no solution. Can we have this feature before corona virus kills us all? I got 3 rolls of toilette paper for a working solution! Any callers?
Hi @ab, currently the new HubSpot Mobile App does not support email tracking, so you would not be able to send tracked/logged emails from your smartphone. If you have a Connected Inbox, and the first message that you sent was from your computer, replies to that message will get logged into the CRM, but, messages that were first sent from your phone will not get tracked/logged.
However, an email tracking functionality for the mobile app is on the roadmap for the future, so stay tuned!
It has been two years, can we not get this setup for direct integration with Gmail on Android devices? You already have a chrome integration for gmail. This should be done soon. It is very important on a "good" CRM.
Can we continue this thread and conversation in the ideas forum? That is the spot the product team monitors for functionality requests. I took a look and there isn't an idea over there yet; if you can create an idea and link it in this thread, that will ensure that everyone requesting this feature is heard by the product team.
@jennysowyrda there was an answer over 2 years ago that the feature is on a roadmap. In that sense it sounds a bit weird to "bring" the idea for the product team through another forum - more than 2 years later.