I am arranging a Zoom webinar for prospects. I am hoping to use a HubSpot form to capture registrations (i.e. people who want to attend enter their name & email in the form and then automatically get a calendar invite/Zoom link for the event). read more
Hi @asgoldberg1 ,
This requires a contact-based workflow. I explained how to set this up here: https://community.hubspot.com/t5/Marketing-Int...read more
Having tried webinars last year, we are running many more this year in order to generate leads and fill pipeline. Last year we used HubSpot to manage registrations and then Google Meet to run the event. It was clunky, but mostly it worked well. read more
Is there a way to connect registrations (form fills) on Hubspot with Microsoft teams webinar? So that Microsoft teams webinar will know who has registered?
Hi @christinen0906 ,
As far as I know, it's not possible yet to see information from Microsoft Teams registrations and attendance in HubSpot. ...read more
We are currently using Zoom for both meetings and webinars but they are missing some useful features and their Hubspot integration is severly lacking. Of course keep cost in mind. Something along the lines of Zoom pricing (or less) is import read more
I have spent a while searching for the process to fully manage and set a workflow registration process between HubSpot with Zoom, including, landing pages, and confirmation emails with calendar invites. I only found a non hubspot blog about this f read more
Hi @DigitalJA ,
My preferred process for this is to copy the Zoom webinar join URL into a contact property which can then be used as a persona...read more
I have successfully implemented the Hubspot Zoom App and configured it. I have added the "Add Contact to Zoom Webinar" action to my webinar registration workflow that is triggered when someone fills out a Hubspot form on our website. When conta read more
This issue has been resolved. The data was not being written to the fields because in the Zoom App settings we had our company's domain listed in the...read more
Hey all! I'm trying to sync my contact list of each webinar to HubSpot, but I can't find how to tag them to identify who went to which webinar, since in the future they will automatically sync, Any idea? 😊
Hi @SDompre , I would import the Zoom information before your contacts are able to register for any future webinars. This way, you have the hist...read more
We are migratiing a client off of Pardot into Hubspot Marketing Pro. Currently, they use the native integration between WebEx and Pardot for webinar submissions and analytics. The current workflow they use is: User submits a form (via pardot form read more
Hi @Va2
It doesn't look like this is easy, or that webex is well supported in the HubSpot ecosystem. Connectors that I could find seem to be...read more
Hi all, I've used GoToWebinar/HubSpot integration at a previous company, but I've never created a HubSpot form that would allow folks to register for webinars on a weekly basis (same demo-style live webinar each week). I'm envisioning a CT read more
Hey @AAcosta ,
The only way I could think to do this is to leave the form untouched, but update a workflow that enrolls a user in GTW webinar ...read more
For those who have utilized the HS and GTW integration, how much of the integration have you utilized? If you've tried to run everything through HS, what have been the shortcomings? We have a webinar coming up and wanted some general feedback on wh read more