Using Custom Behavioral Events with Splash Events Timeline Integration?
Hello! My organization is evaluating using Splash event management. We currently use Hubspot exclusively (landing page, form, video recording landing page, invite email, registration confirmation email, remidner email, follow up email.. pretty much following this forum's guidance.) We currently have to upload attendee lists and there is not a good way to track attendees - this makes our reporting on attendees per event and attribution reporting impossible to understand how events help lead nurturing and converting into prospects (deals.)
So we are very close to deciding to go with splash but the main question we still have is - how can we utilizing event reporting within Hubspot reports with the Splash native integration? The closest I have come to understand is setting up Custom Behavioral Events - so that the attendee event data is within Hubspot's reporting features but we're not sure how we would do that with the Splash Integration.
I have reviewed these forums and resources already:
1. A super easy way to get an event listing page to automatically update with uipcoming vs previous events so we do not have to manually change our webiste.
2. Helps save time with auto creating emails and assets that we currently create custom every time (using templates, but still have to touch each asset for every event in Hubspot.)
3. Hopefully improved reporting within Hubspot - especially to tell us how events are impacting leads in the sales funnel so we can build our event strategy off of this data.
4. There's probably more reasons but I'll stop there for our top 3
Using Custom Behavioral Events with Splash Events Timeline Integration?
@MHesler for the Splash integration with HubSpot, since it says that registrants and attendees are pushed into HubSpot Contacts, do you know if that includes a property like "attended" for an event? That, to me, would help to track who attended and who missed in a simple way.
I haven't used Splash, so I don't know the power and UX like I do HubSpot. But if it solves your specific case in a simple way, then it seems logical to use it. It may be a case of HubSpot being able to do more than what you need while not doing the one thing you want it to do. I get that.
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Using Custom Behavioral Events with Splash Events Timeline Integration?
Hi Yes, that does show up on the contact's timeline via a custom Splash property. But we cannot use just any properties in Hubspots reporting features. We technically could create a list based on that property, but not a robust report that can easily show us the data between multiple events easily. Here's a video on the integration in case it's helpful:
Here are some of the reports we are looking to pull in Hubspot:
Track show rate for each event - how many people registered vs attended
How many attendees per event
How did ABC event on specific date help convert leads (attribution reporting)
We also desire to segment reports based on the type of event. - How did Partner events perform vs Community events vs Culture Club events.
Ability to use Splash data for lead scoring
Ability to use Splash data for customer journey reports
Event registration in conversion data
Last event attended or registered for before opening a deal (by new business and rebooking)
Revenue attributed (last interaction or first interaction) to event
Calls or meetings booked after event by event attendees
Event attendance impact on # on close rate / time to close
Using Custom Behavioral Events with Splash Events Timeline Integration?
Interesting, thanks for the additional perspective @MHesler. HubSpot isn't always the answer, and it sounds like maybe your specific need would be better in Splash. Unless someone else has a better idea. Sorry I wasn't more help!
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