Sharing form uploaded files automatically with non-Hubspot users
My firm is accepting program applications on behalf of our clients via a Hubspot form. There are file attachment fields on the form, which are optional. I'd like to share the uploaded files automatically with our clients, however, the default Hubspot file links require Hubspot login.
Is there any way I can share the files directly with my clients without them having to create accounts and log into Hubspot?
Currently, I'm using Zapier to sync the other form data with Google Sheets but Zapier is incredibly limiting and frustrating when it comes to Google Drive files, and would preferably like to know non-Zapier way of accomplishing above.
If you know how to write code or deploy a simple Cloud function/AWS Lambda etc. Here is the code that I have written that takes the uploaded file url which is not public and upload it to your file manager then get a public url to that file
Sharing form uploaded files automatically with non-Hubspot users
Hi Sam,
Thank you for the suggestion. It looks like an interesting solution but is unfortunately prohibitively expensive for our organization. But thank you nonetheless.