Marketing Integrations


Need to uninstall HubSpot Salesforce integration, but cannot access "Integrations"


@HubSpot - 


My organization recently migrated off of HubSpot. However, HubSpot is still interacting with our Salesforce CRM. I'd like to stop this from happening, but I am unable to access the 'Integrations' section within my account per the following article:


I've attempted to reach out via a number of methods and am very frustrated that I've yet to find help for this. 


Please advise.


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Need to uninstall HubSpot Salesforce integration, but cannot access "Integrations"


Hi, @JtXHWe2A. Can you say more about what's still active with the integration? Has the package been uninstalled from Salesforce? If you're using only HubSpot Sales, and don't have access to the Integrations screen from the Marketing part of the product, completely uninstalling out of Salesforce should do the trick.

Brad Mampe, Salesforce Analyst, Fidelity
I'm probably wrong. I may not be right about that.

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Need to uninstall HubSpot Salesforce integration, but cannot access "Integrations"


Hi, @JtXHWe2A. Can you say more about what's still active with the integration? Has the package been uninstalled from Salesforce? If you're using only HubSpot Sales, and don't have access to the Integrations screen from the Marketing part of the product, completely uninstalling out of Salesforce should do the trick.

Brad Mampe, Salesforce Analyst, Fidelity
I'm probably wrong. I may not be right about that.
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Need to uninstall HubSpot Salesforce integration, but cannot access "Integrations"


Thanks for your response @bradmin!


Uninstalling via Salesforce seems to have done the trick. Specifically, we were seeing HubSpot revert changes to email opt out status made by our new marketing automation software. 


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Need to uninstall HubSpot Salesforce integration, but cannot access "Integrations"


That last bit about the opt-out is probably still affecting you now, even though you've uninstalled the integration, @JtXHWe2A.

The email opt-out is a function of how HubSpot treats contacts who have opted out, as well as what integrations have written opt-out data to HubSpot. This help article explains a little more about the behavior between the two systems. (tl;dr is that, even on an 'oopsie' opt-out from SF, the HS contact will be marked as opted-out, and cannot manually be changed; only a resub link can be sent to the contact. this HS contact behavior persists on legacy records, even after the SF integration is uninstalled.)


If there are not-opted-out contacts that were marked as opted-out accidentally, if you're a Marketing user, then HubSpot support will be able to help restore those values. If you're only using the Sales product, you'll need to send resubscribe links to anyone who may have inadvertently been marked opted-out.

Brad Mampe, Salesforce Analyst, Fidelity
I'm probably wrong. I may not be right about that.
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Need to uninstall HubSpot Salesforce integration, but cannot access "Integrations"


Thanks for the follow up here, @bradmin.


If I'm picking up what you're laying down, you've assumed that contacts' opt-out status within HubSpot still matters to me. In my case, it doesn't because we've migrated off of HubSpot.


By disabling the SF/HS integration I've solved my problem; I'm now able to change opt-out status on SF lead/contact without HS reverting the change when the two systems sync.


Please tell me if I'm missing something. 

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Need to uninstall HubSpot Salesforce integration, but cannot access "Integrations"


That's my fault - I thought that the opt-out couldn't be changed on the HubSpot contact after uninstalling the integration. Since you've indicated that's not the case, you're all set. If there are any records whose opt-out needs to be changed, you can update the impacted HS contacts. 

Brad Mampe, Salesforce Analyst, Fidelity
I'm probably wrong. I may not be right about that.
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