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I'm looking into integrating GoToWebinar with Hubspot, but how has everyone set up the forms? When the First Name, Last Name, and email has been collected through a Hubspot form... does that still enable an automated calendar invite to be sent to the person? Using GoToWebinar by itself allows that, but I wasn't sure what the overlap would be with Hubspot. Thanks!
GoToWebinar integrates really well with HubSpot overall, on the landing page that you embed your form you have the option to say that the form also registers them for a set webinar as well:
You can then run lists to get your registered, attended, and registered but didn't attend lists:
GoToWebinar integrates really well with HubSpot overall, on the landing page that you embed your form you have the option to say that the form also registers them for a set webinar as well:
You can then run lists to get your registered, attended, and registered but didn't attend lists:
"In order to see the gotowebinar dropdown when editing a form on the page level, the form must contain fields for first name, last name, and email. Also, the form must be published.