@SterlingEdgeWe are currently working through the different steps from the business, legal, and technical sides of things to complete the integration. It is likely that we will be able to sync more information than just contacts records. Hopefully, Companies will be launched along with Contact information and Deals will follow later on. Currently, we can't provide an ETA given the number of moving parts. While this does not provide you with as many details as you'd like, our team is actively working on it.
I look forward to syncing Redtail and Hubspot. (contact record data) two ways. Curoius if there is a timeline that is more specific than "on the road map".
@agosselin1@aorons@karstenkoehler I thought it would be useful to share a brief Q&A I had with David Barron, who is product manager for Operations Hub:
Are the only objects included in the Free Data Sync Contacts, Companies and Deals? We are only supporting contacts at launch, over the course of the year we plan to add company, deal and ticket syncing.
By “Default field mappings” do you mean only mapping standard HubSpot properties in the above objects? Default would be any standard property in the other app or hubspot. Custom field mappings allows you to map any custom field type supported that you've created in HubSpot or the other app AND if you'd like to turn off/amend properties that are in the default settings. Once we launch, you'll be able to see all of the default fields in each marketplace listing for each app.
In Starter, does it mean 2 way sync with HubSpot standard and custom properties but only in Contacts, Companies and Deals? Or are more objects included in Starter? No new objects in starter, just contacts to start for both free/starter.
So my takeaway is that only Contacts syncing will be available to begin with. Companies, Deals and Tickets will be added during 2021. And this will apply to the 25 apps only. It's important to recognize that for any use case where the CRM integration must includes, for example, Engagements (meetings, emails, tasks, notes and calls), Operations Hub does not have this functionality.
I haven't tested it myself but you could probably check easily by making use of the 14 day trial. I haven't had a look whether Operations Hub is fully rolled out to all developer portals yet but once it is, you could test a sync there as well.
Best regards!
Karsten Köhler HubSpot Freelancer | RevOps & CRM Consultant | Community Hall of Famer