Marketing Integrations


Dynamic description when creating a SF task from a workflow


From a workflow, I am creating a Salesforce Task.  Within this task, I would like to add the value from one or more contact properties to the task description.  The value of this dynamic string would then appear in the Comments field in the Salesforce task. 

Is there a way to do this?  Or does the description field need to be static?

1 Accepted solution
Guide | Elite Partner
Guide | Elite Partner

Dynamic description when creating a SF task from a workflow


@BérangèreL - I don't I am afraid. It believe is possible to create a Salesforce task via API (as detailed here) so I'd guess it wopuld be possible to create a custom-coded workflow action, complete with personalisation tokens to acheive this.

Hannah Fisher
CRM Platform Consultant @ Elite HubSpot Partner BabelQuest
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5 Replies 5
Guide | Elite Partner
Guide | Elite Partner

Dynamic description when creating a SF task from a workflow


@BérangèreL - I don't I am afraid. It believe is possible to create a Salesforce task via API (as detailed here) so I'd guess it wopuld be possible to create a custom-coded workflow action, complete with personalisation tokens to acheive this.

Hannah Fisher
CRM Platform Consultant @ Elite HubSpot Partner BabelQuest
Unlock the potential of HubSpot

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Dynamic description when creating a SF task from a workflow


I am interested in this too! Is there a solution for this yet?

Community Manager
Community Manager

Dynamic description when creating a SF task from a workflow


Hi @TCrook 


Thank you for reaching out


I want to tag some of our experts on this - @Aakar @Drew_Cohen @StefaniUAT do you have any thoughts for @TCrook on this? 


Thank you!



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Dynamic description when creating a SF task from a workflow


Hi, I'm interested as well. Any hints?

Community Manager
Community Manager

Dynamic description when creating a SF task from a workflow


Hi @alearca, I hope that you are well!

Thanks for asking our Community!

I checked for you and I have found this similar idea already submitted: "Ability to insert Personalized Token data into a Salesforce Task description".

I'd recommend supporting the Idea with an upvote and explaining your use case in the comments.

Our product team uses that forum to collect ideas on how we can improve the product for our customers.

Product pays particular attention to the top voted ideas & takes them into consideration along with other feedback channels as well as their own vision to understand what features will be most valuable.

I'd like to ask our experts to join this conversation : Hi @Teun@miljkovicmisa and @HFisher7 do you have any workarounds to share with @alearca, please?

Also, if anybody else has anything to add and/or share, please feel free to join in the conversation 🙂

Thanks in advance and have a beautiful day!


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