Marketing Integrations


Customize External RSS Blog Feed into HubSpot RSS Email



I am working on creating an RSS Email campaign, but I realized that the editing email features within the editor container for external blog feed URLs are limited: 



Is there a way to customize the layout/template of the external RSS feed? Like determining the place of the featured image and the size and adding a different section with more articles. Even if editing the source code is difficult to get what you want with HubL.


Do you suggest using the Mailchimp integration for that? Do you think that would work better? 

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Customize External RSS Blog Feed into HubSpot RSS Email

Hi @EChristodoulou,


Thanks for reaching out to the Community!


It is not possible to edit the CSS of the RSS email. What I'd suggest is building a custom coded template so that you can apply the custom RSS stylings.  The entire email would be would need to be in custom HTML + HubL. 🙂 


I also wanted to share this submitted idea related to your query. It looks like there's a Wordpress plugin that can pull in featured images for RSS for HubSpot. 


I hope this helps!




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