Marketing Integrations


Constant Contact Integration Limitations - Please make it similar to MailChimps App!



Please help!  Our organization has a long standing contract with Constant Contact for marketing and it'd be very helpful to have an App similiar to the Mailchimp integration that allows users the ability to click on a contact and view their Email Campaign activity within their TIMELINE.... I've included a screenshot of how your team was able implement Mailchimp's data to interact with Hubspot's timelines.  This is a make or break as to whether or not several of our teams within the organization will go forward with implmenting Hubspot as our primary CRM.



1 Antwort

Constant Contact Integration Limitations - Please make it similar to MailChimps App!



Thank you for sharing your feedback!

The data that is listed in the Marketplace article is currently the only information that can be shared between the systems with the help of our Data Sync integration with Constant Contract. 

I see, however, how syncing activities would improve the user experience, that's why it'd be great if you could post this as a feature request in our Ideas forum (you can use this idea as a template). 


You could also look into Zapier's connector between HubSpot & Constant Contract, you can find more information here. 



Mia, Community team 

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