Marketing Integrations


Connect one Hubspot to 2 SFDC instances


Can you use Datasync to integrate a second instance of Salesforce to one Hubspot account? How would you do this?

Or is there any other possible way to do this? 


I would interested to know if you can integrate separate business units to separate Salesforce accounts... 

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Membro do Hall da Fama | Parceiro
Membro do Hall da Fama | Parceiro

Connect one Hubspot to 2 SFDC instances


Hi @rjonesSolaria,


There might be hacky ways to do this but generally the answer would be no:


"You can connect only one Salesforce instance per HubSpot account."


(On a side note, I can't even start to imagine the complexity that connecting more than 1 account would entail, as it would require three-way mappings.)


Best regards

Karsten Köhler
HubSpot Freelancer | RevOps & CRM Consultant | Community Hall of Famer

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Connect one Hubspot to 2 SFDC instances


@rjonesSolaria Vertify does this and can help with multiple SFDC instances to one Hubspot portal. Different CRMs due to geography, brands, or M&As are common. Let me know if you have questions. 

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HubSpot Employee
HubSpot Employee

Connect one Hubspot to 2 SFDC instances


Hi there! Do you have a link for Vertify- I tried Googling and am unable to find more information. For context, I am a HubSpot sales rep and have a customer looking to connect multiple SFDC instances to a singular HubSpot portal

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Connect one Hubspot to 2 SFDC instances


Sure thing: 
Here is a page about multi-CRM integrations. 

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Membro do Hall da Fama | Parceiro
Membro do Hall da Fama | Parceiro

Connect one Hubspot to 2 SFDC instances


Hi @rjonesSolaria,


There might be hacky ways to do this but generally the answer would be no:


"You can connect only one Salesforce instance per HubSpot account."


(On a side note, I can't even start to imagine the complexity that connecting more than 1 account would entail, as it would require three-way mappings.)


Best regards

Karsten Köhler
HubSpot Freelancer | RevOps & CRM Consultant | Community Hall of Famer

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Connect one Hubspot to 2 SFDC instances


@karstenkoehler thanks for the info! You always respond to my questions and I appreciate that! 

It doesn't have to be 3-way. It will be some data goes to one instance and some data goes to the other - based on applicable location. Basically US-based incoming leads and contacts and activity syncing to the US-based SFDC and the remainder of the world syncing to the other SFDC instance.

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