Resubscription / Neuanmeldung eines Kontakts - aber wie?
Hallo liebe Community,
Es kann ja passieren, dass sich ein Interessent eines Unternehmens, welcher als Kontakt im HubSpot CRM angelegt ist, dazu entscheidet sich vom Marketinggeschehen abzumelden.
Genauso kann es allerdings sein, dass sich derjenige z.B. nach einer Re-Conversion Kampagne in Social Media Tools oder Blog Beitrages wieder umentscheidet und doch Marketing Informationen erhalten möchte.
Viele HubSpot Nutzer nutzen das Email Marketing Tool auch für interne Prozesse, also ist es durchaus zu empfehlen vorab schon darüber nachzudenken wie man den Resubscription oder Neuanmeldungsprozess aufsetzt. Da es aus Datenschutzgründen (und gesundem Menschenverstand) nicht möglich ist, einem Kontakt manuell den Opt-out Status zurücksusetzen, sind wir darauf angewiesen, dass derjenige in Aktion tritt.
Man kann es sich einfach machen und Kunden oder Mitarbeiter diesen Artikel schicken: HubSpot-Marketing-E-Mails erneut abonnieren, aber man sollte das ganze der Customer Experience Willen auch als Wiederanmeldeprozess aufsetzen. Das funktioniert so (Marketing Pro & Enterprise sind Vorraussetzung):
In den Einstellungen unter Marketing > Email > Abonnements, gibt es weiter unten den Punkt "Neuanmeldungs-E-Mails". Hier kann man nun eine Mail ähnlich wie beim Double-Optin anlegen, die einem Kontakt zugesendet wird wenn eine Neuanmeldung angefragt wird.
Wenn die Email veröffentlicht ist, kann der Schalter bei Neuanmeldungs-E-Mails auf "AN" gestellt werden.
Wenn ein Nutzer, der sich zuvor von allen E-Mail-Abonnements abgemeldet hat, erneut die Website besucht und ein Formular oder ein Pop-up-Formular ausfüllt, wird für ihn ein Hinweis mit einem Link zur Aktivierung des Versands der Neuanmeldungs-E-Mails angezeigt.
Auf Deutsch sieht das so aus:
Der Hilfetext ist automatisch nach der Formularsprache generiert und aktuell nicht anpassbar.
Die Neuanmeldungs-Email verlinkt dann auf die Seite der Email Präferenzen, wo man seinen Opt-Out dann wieder zurücknehmen kann. Der Kontakt erhält nun wieder Emails, eventuell müssen nun Workflows erneut ausgelöst bzw. Emails neu versendet werden.
Falls es Ideen gibt, das Tool noch besser zu machen würde ich empfehlen direkt eine Idee im Ideenforum zu erstellen!
Resubscription / Neuanmeldung eines Kontakts - aber wie?
Hallo zusammen,
Es gibt ein Update zu diesem Thema!
Communication Preferences | Forms Simplify how contacts resubscribe via form October 31, 2024
What is it?
We are simplifying the process for previously unsubscribed users to start receiving marketing emails again for all portals.
If a contact submits a form associated with a subscription type(s), they will be automatically set as subscribed for the subscription type associated with the form. For Pro+ they no longer need to click the message ("Looks like you've opted out of email communication. Click here to get an email and opt back in") on the form to send an email to themselves and update their preferences. And for Free/Starter portals, they will just be subscribed.
Why does it matter?
Gain back previously unsubscribed users. Unsubscribed contacts who attempt to re-signup for email communications via a form will be subscribed without having to go through additional steps.
How does it work?
If a subscription type(s) is associated with a form, the contact will be set to subscribed on form submission.
If using legitimate interest in forms:
If the contact is "unsubscribed from all email" and a subscription type(s) is associated with the form they submit, then their portal/BU opt-out status will be removed and they will be subscribed to the subscription type(s) associated with the form.
If the contact is unsubscribed from some subscription types (they do not have a portalwide or BU opt-out) and a subscription type(s) is associated with the form they submit, then they will be subscribed to the subscription type(s) associated with the form.
If using the consent checkbox for communications in forms:
If the contact is "unsubscribed from all email" and the contact agrees by clicking the consent to communication checkbox when submitting the form, then their portal/BU opt-out status will be removed and they will be subscribed to the subscription type(s) associated with the form
If the contact is unsubscribed from some subscription types (they do not have a portalwide or BU opt-out) and the contact agrees by clicking the consent to communication checkbox when submitting the form, then they will be subscribed to the subscription type(s) associated with the form.
If the contact does not agree and fails to click the communication consent checkbox when submitting the form, then they will not be subscribed to the subscription type(s) associated with the form.
If no subscription type is associated with the form:
The contact will not be subscribed on form submission, there will be no change to their subscription status.
Your contact must navigate to their preference page to update their preferences if they were previously unsubscribed and want to receive email again.
Callouts and Omissions
For Pro+ users with the resub setting enabled on, the 'magic link' still appears at the moment, but is not required to be clicked on by the contact in order to be subscribed so long as a subscription type is associated with the form.
This applies to the HubSpot form builder experience. This works for new forms created via the legacy forms editor experience as well as the new (beta) forms experience. It will work for previously published forms if they have a subscription type(s) associated with them.
Learn more about how to associate subscription types with forms here.
This experience works for contacts that are either fully unsubscribed from all emails OR if they are unsubscribed from the subscription type associated with the form they are submitting.
Who gets it?
Marketing Hub (all)
Man findet das Update hier:
Viele Grüße!
Karsten Köhler HubSpot Freelancer | RevOps & CRM Consultant | Community Hall of Famer
Resubscription / Neuanmeldung eines Kontakts - aber wie?
Hallo zusammen,
Es gibt ein Update zu diesem Thema!
Communication Preferences | Forms Simplify how contacts resubscribe via form October 31, 2024
What is it?
We are simplifying the process for previously unsubscribed users to start receiving marketing emails again for all portals.
If a contact submits a form associated with a subscription type(s), they will be automatically set as subscribed for the subscription type associated with the form. For Pro+ they no longer need to click the message ("Looks like you've opted out of email communication. Click here to get an email and opt back in") on the form to send an email to themselves and update their preferences. And for Free/Starter portals, they will just be subscribed.
Why does it matter?
Gain back previously unsubscribed users. Unsubscribed contacts who attempt to re-signup for email communications via a form will be subscribed without having to go through additional steps.
How does it work?
If a subscription type(s) is associated with a form, the contact will be set to subscribed on form submission.
If using legitimate interest in forms:
If the contact is "unsubscribed from all email" and a subscription type(s) is associated with the form they submit, then their portal/BU opt-out status will be removed and they will be subscribed to the subscription type(s) associated with the form.
If the contact is unsubscribed from some subscription types (they do not have a portalwide or BU opt-out) and a subscription type(s) is associated with the form they submit, then they will be subscribed to the subscription type(s) associated with the form.
If using the consent checkbox for communications in forms:
If the contact is "unsubscribed from all email" and the contact agrees by clicking the consent to communication checkbox when submitting the form, then their portal/BU opt-out status will be removed and they will be subscribed to the subscription type(s) associated with the form
If the contact is unsubscribed from some subscription types (they do not have a portalwide or BU opt-out) and the contact agrees by clicking the consent to communication checkbox when submitting the form, then they will be subscribed to the subscription type(s) associated with the form.
If the contact does not agree and fails to click the communication consent checkbox when submitting the form, then they will not be subscribed to the subscription type(s) associated with the form.
If no subscription type is associated with the form:
The contact will not be subscribed on form submission, there will be no change to their subscription status.
Your contact must navigate to their preference page to update their preferences if they were previously unsubscribed and want to receive email again.
Callouts and Omissions
For Pro+ users with the resub setting enabled on, the 'magic link' still appears at the moment, but is not required to be clicked on by the contact in order to be subscribed so long as a subscription type is associated with the form.
This applies to the HubSpot form builder experience. This works for new forms created via the legacy forms editor experience as well as the new (beta) forms experience. It will work for previously published forms if they have a subscription type(s) associated with them.
Learn more about how to associate subscription types with forms here.
This experience works for contacts that are either fully unsubscribed from all emails OR if they are unsubscribed from the subscription type associated with the form they are submitting.
Who gets it?
Marketing Hub (all)
Man findet das Update hier:
Viele Grüße!
Karsten Köhler HubSpot Freelancer | RevOps & CRM Consultant | Community Hall of Famer