workflow in Hubspot should check a checkbox in Salesforce not working
I have a check box field in named "Re-engaged Lead". I also created a checkbox field in Hubspot named ""Re-engaged Lead". I wrote a work flow rule that triggers is any lead/contact does a form submission then check box.
The box is not being checked in Salesforce. Does anyone know what might be the issue??
workflow in Hubspot should check a checkbox in Salesforce not working
We are missing a very important screenshot. Can you go to the integration settings and see what the sync rule on that property is set to? I have a feeling that the value is set to "Prefer Salesforce" so if the value is already No in Salesforce, your workflow will have no effect. In your case you need to do a two-way sync so the most recent value is the one that the systems keep.
workflow in Hubspot should check a checkbox in Salesforce not working
Ben, I think i found it!!! I will check in a little bit to see if the records in updated. Sorry for being dumb I am a SF Admin and thats were I live Hubspot is new to me. (-:
workflow in Hubspot should check a checkbox in Salesforce not working
Ben, The record has resynced and the check box in Salesforce. com did not get checked. )-: the email and the task in are logged in Salesfroce but the check bo is still not working?