Lists, Lead Scoring & Workflows


form submission based nurturing track


I'm trying to create a nurturing track as follows:

Contact enrollement trigger: contact fill up a form - download a resource (I have different form for every resource).

Wait 3 days.

Send email with a resource.


The challenge is that i'm trying to avoid is to send the contact the same asset that he just downloaded 3 days ago.


I have several ideas but happy to hear more ideas/templates/best practices:

1. If/Then branch for every resource with a unique follow up email for every resource

2. Smart rule in the text of the marketing email (seems almost impossible to maintain)



2 Replies 2
Key Advisor

form submission based nurturing track

Hi @BYona 


There are a couple of ways of doing this, it all depends on the following:


  1. How many different content offers/resources are you offering for download right now - 10 / 50 / 100?
  2. How many will you likely be creating in the next 6/12/18 months?
  3. Can those assets be grouped thematically, i.e. Topic A, Topic B, Topic C?
  4. Is there a level logic/order in which assets should be consumed?
  5. How many conversions/downloads do you currently get per week or month?
  6. Do you have some data on what your best performing content currently is?

You also mentioned you have a form for each asset. Depending on the answers to questions 1 and 2, this can get messy. I always recommend thinking about a forms strategy. The two most commen approaches are having a from each for each of the inbound stages awareness, consideration and decision or have forms for specific assets, i.e. ebook form, newsletter sign up, webinar registration. Seeing we can build list based on a combination of form submission + page submitted, we can easily create smart lists for each asset that look something like this:


  1. ebook form + ebook A landing page
  2. ebook form + ebook B landing page
  3. ebook form + ebook C landing page

Lists are quite powerful in HubSpot and would allow you to then create smart content in emails. However this isn't really scalable, I believe smart content modules are limited to 20-30 max if I remember correctly. And you would need to frequently update/add smart content rules when new content gets created.


Is there any reason why you are not sending the asset via email immediately? The most common approach I have seen is to provide the asset via the thank you page and email, and the use the email and the recipients reactions - open, clicks, CTA clicks, site visits - and base nurturing off that, combined with smart list rules to decide which email and content to send. But again, this approach doesn't scale too well.




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Frank Steiner

Marketeer | HubSpot Expert | CRM Consultant


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form submission based nurturing track

Hi @franksteiner79 ,

Thanks for your reply!

@franksteiner79 wrote:

Is there any reason why you are not sending the asset via email immediately? The most common approach I have seen is to provide the asset via the thank you page and email, and the use the email and the recipients reactions - open, clicks, CTA clicks, site visits - and base nurturing off that, combined with smart list rules to decide which email and content to send. But again, this approach doesn't scale too well.



I'm providing the asset with a thank you page and email but not nurturing based on that (the workflow ends after the email is sent). It's interesting approach.

So based on that approach, is that the structure of the workflow you are suggesting:

Enrollement trigger: fill up a whitepaper form - > send email with the whitepaper -> wait X days -> send themeable follow up whitepaper -> etc.


And based on the same logic, you suggest to maintain a workflow for every kind of form?

