Workflow trigger not showing value options for a specific property
Hi there,
I'm building Workflows which trigger based on deals moving to different pipeline stages. I've already successfully built workflows that trigger using the "When an event occurs" trigger, based on the "Property Name is Deal stage" (see below):
However, I'm trying to build another one, using the same trigger, but it just wont show me any options for the value of the Deal Stage:
The value dropdown just keeps permanently loading, and trying to search for specific names does nothing either. I've tried logging in/out, and I'm getting the same behaviour if I go to those previous workflows and try and edit/change their property value. No search option comes up.
Workflow trigger not showing value options for a specific property
I'm seeing the exact same problem! Looks like you just posted this yesterday, and I just encountered the problem yesterday too. Let's hope there's a fix coming.