Lists, Lead Scoring & Workflows

HubSpot Employee
HubSpot Employee

Workflow Updates from INBOUND 2020

Hi everyone, 

There were many exciting sessions last month at INBOUND and I wish you all could have joined us, but if you didn't have a chance, here's a report I compiled for a client of mine about Anni's Workflow session.
To kick it off, Anni reminded us there has been over 45 updates to the workflow tool since INBOUND2019 but she covered the 18 main ones that I'm highlighting below:
Note some of them are live already but some are still to be rolled out. 
1) Multiple if/then branches - Ability to add up to 20 branches to one if/then branch. More info here.
2) Clone and re-order if/then branch conditions.  More info here.
3) Clone/Move Workflow actions. 
4) Go to other action - Build complex workflows without having to recreate several versions of the same branch. More info here.
5) Quick options in workflow settings - Select days within your workflow execution settings. More info here.
6) History tab - Action logs and enrolment history tabs. More info here.
7) Bulk delete workflows. 
8-) Easier way to find out of date workflows - Unused workflow tabs 
There are 2 criterias for a workflow to be considered unused: 1- It isnot referenced in another tool (not an enrolment criteria for another workflow / not in another workflow if/then branch / not in a go-to criteria and 2- It is either turned off or no action has been executed in the last 90 days/No enrolment in the last 90 days. More info here.
9) Sync timeline activity to workflow to created deals and tickets - Activities and emails can now be copied from contacts/companies/quotes to deals and tickets created by workflows. 
10) Template to sort companies by ideal customer profile fit  - Assign a tier value based on annual revenue. More info here.
11) Workflow partitioning - Separate workflows by team.
*When a workflows is not assigned to a certain team, all teams will have access to it. 
12) Workflow revisions - Review changes made - when, what and by whom. More info here.
13) Comment on workflow actions. More info here.
14) See objects waiting in workflow delaysMore info here.
15) Export image of a workflow. More info here.
16) Control merged contact workflow enrolment - Prevent merged contacts from being enroled in a workflow. More info here.
17) Delay until a specific day or time - Prevent actions from executing at night or onweekends, for example. More info here.
18) Delay until event happens - Trigger actions based on certain events like page views, form submitted or property value changed. More info here.
That's it, folks. Remember some of these are not live yet, so if you see something you're interested in trying, talk to your Success Manager.
See you soon
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