When creating an association in a workflow "matching property values" isn't showing all properties
Inside a workflow I'm trying to create an association between a Contact and a custom object called "Locations". Under "Create association when there are" I'm required to select "Matching property values", which makes sense.
However when I go to add the properties for "Select a property to match on", I'm not seeing all the properties I have for Contacts or Locations as an option to select. For example, as a test I have a Contact property titled "Alaska" and a Locations property titled "Alaska". You'll see in my screenshot that when I search these, they aren't available. This is what I need to use to create the association between the two objects. I've tested with several other properties that would have had match values but those aren't showing as options either. Does anyone have a solution or know why certain properties aren't showing up as an option?
This workflow action only supports certain property types as of now - you would have to copy your property value into a helper propert with type single line text first.
From the product update: "Note: This functionality only exists for single-line text, multi-line text, or phone number properties"
This workflow action only supports certain property types as of now - you would have to copy your property value into a helper propert with type single line text first.
From the product update: "Note: This functionality only exists for single-line text, multi-line text, or phone number properties"
When creating an association in a workflow "matching property values" isn't showing all properties
There it is! Thank you! It would be nice if this changed to include the other types as these options can have typos in them. At least there's workarounds though.