Lists, Lead Scoring & Workflows

HubSpot Employee
HubSpot Employee

Use workflows to set a date stamp

You can set a date stamp for your contact and company properties using the Set property value action in a workflow:


  • In your HubSpot account, navigate to Automation > Workflows.
  • Click Create workflow.
  • In the left panel, select Contact-based as your workflow type. Then in the right panel, select Start from scratch.
  • Enter a name for your workflow, then click Create workflow.
  • Set the workflow's enrollment triggers.
  • To add an action, click the plus icon +.
  • In the right panel, select Set property value
  • From the dropdown menu, select the date property you want to set a value for.
  • Select Static date, then select a date from the date picker. Or, choose Date of step to set the value as the day the contact completes the workflow action. workflows-set-date-stamp
  • Click Save.
  • Add any additional actions you'd like, then click the Settings tab to review your workflow settings.
  • In the upper right, click Review.
  • Review your workflow, then click Activate to turn your workflow on. 

Learn how to edit a property's field type


If you have additional questions, reach out to the HubSpot Community

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