Hi all, So far, there is no option to reset the lead score of a specific contact person or company back to zero. The only way that a contact's score can be reduced is by applying a negative attribute. However, this is not efficient when dealing with lots of contacts and there is no way to automate this with e.g. workflows or lists. I think a function like this is essential for optimal lead scoring. It would be great if Hubspot can create this new function.
You're right, this is currently not supported. Score properties cannot be reset. Applying a negative attribute (based on Lead status, "Lifecycle stage is any of Other" or your own custom Lead score reset property) would be your best option.
If you feel strongly about this being a feature, you could suggest it in the HubSpot Ideas section of the community here. The product team reviews these suggestions based on popularity.
Potentially, you could also take a step back. Why is it important that this lead score is reset? If you don't want these contacts to move along the sales process, you could update their Lead status and Lifecycle stage and suppress them in reports or filtered views. You could also exclude them from any automation.
@ConnorSlivensky, score properties are read-only properties and cannot be cleared unfortunately.
Best regards!
Karsten Köhler HubSpot Freelancer | RevOps & CRM Consultant | Community Hall of Famer
Hi, I came up with a quick solution to update the lead score on a number of contacts. I accidentally added a form more than once to my lead scoring model, this resulted in my contacts having HubSpot scores in the hundreds.
What you can do is isolate the contacts into a list and use their list membership as a qualifier to subtract points
For example, in my case, I want to decrease all the contacts with a HubSpot score of over 100, then over 200, and then over 300. I will set up 3 active lists and use the HubSpot lead score property to isolate them into those respective lists based on their score. Then I will go to my lead scoring model on hubspot and tell Hubspot that if they are a member of this list subtract from the lead score x amount. I will subtract 40 points from my contacts with a score over 100, I will subtract 80 from my leads over 200 and I will subtract 120 from my leads over 300. In this way, I can reduce all of the lead scores to an ideal range
edit: Good idea to build an active list and then clone it to a static list and use the static list to correct the lead scoring model so that it doesn't affect any new contacts that enter the database
Mar 10, 20228:13 AM - edited Mar 10, 20228:18 AM
Reset Lead scoring
For those that are still wondering how to complete this, especially if you're building your own custom lead scoring for multiple solution types, not just one - follow the below steps for resetting your lead score:
1) Create your lead score property for example - Solution 1 (LS) 2) Create custom lifecycle stage properties for example - Solution 1 (Lifecycle Stage), ensure to choose a dropdown property type 3) Create custom lifecycle stage date properties for example - Became Subscriber date (Solution 1), ensure to choose a date picker property. 4) Build workflows with enrolment criteria of agreed lead scoring triggers for example - If 'Solution 1 (LS)' = 20 update lead lifecycle stage to Subscriber, and update Became Subscriber date (Solution 1) and select 'date of step'. Do the same for Lead, MQL and SQL. Repeat creation of properties for new solutions and new stages.
Then build your lead scoring model.
If you have repeat customers/buisiness and need to reset the the lead scoring to alert your sales team, then follow these simple steps:
1) Create a custom drop down property called 'Ready for reset' with Yes/No options 2) Create workflow with enrolment critera of if Solution 1 (Lifecycle Stage) = MQL for equal to or more than 30 days, update contact property 'Ready for reset' with 'Yes' 3) Go back to Solution 1 lead scoring build and add in Negative points criteria to -65, for however much you'll require them to build the score back up again.
Note: Make sure to create your workflows that allow re-enrollments. This date picker approach will also allow you to build dashboards with HubSpots native filters in mind using the date picker filter type on reports.
I would love to easily accomplish this in my database of nearly 70k people. We've created a new product line that is applicable only to a specific market that previously recieved depricated scores (when we could not support them). Now I'd like to reset all to 0, and implement new scoring across the board in two very distinct segments of my DB.
I think I *may* be able to do a full download of the DB, change the score of all to 0, and reupload everything? I'm giving that a shot.
Most people in the HubSpot Community are not HubSpot employees – what exactly are you looking for?
If you want to access the lead score for a specific contact, you would find that under a contact record, click View all properties in the left sidebar and search for "HubSpot score".
Best regards!
Karsten Köhler HubSpot Freelancer | RevOps & CRM Consultant | Community Hall of Famer
Its the main question that why we are not able to find the lead svores like I tried this and they sent me this email you can see here in my account please guide me about it.
You can navigate to a contact record (Menu > Contacts > Contacts), find View all properties in the left sidebar and search for HubSpot score. You can make this property more easily accessible by adding it to the contact record sidebar: https://knowledge.hubspot.com/crm-setup/customize-record-sidebars
Best regards!
Karsten Köhler HubSpot Freelancer | RevOps & CRM Consultant | Community Hall of Famer
You're right, this is currently not supported. Score properties cannot be reset. Applying a negative attribute (based on Lead status, "Lifecycle stage is any of Other" or your own custom Lead score reset property) would be your best option.
If you feel strongly about this being a feature, you could suggest it in the HubSpot Ideas section of the community here. The product team reviews these suggestions based on popularity.
Potentially, you could also take a step back. Why is it important that this lead score is reset? If you don't want these contacts to move along the sales process, you could update their Lead status and Lifecycle stage and suppress them in reports or filtered views. You could also exclude them from any automation.
@ConnorSlivensky, score properties are read-only properties and cannot be cleared unfortunately.
Best regards!
Karsten Köhler HubSpot Freelancer | RevOps & CRM Consultant | Community Hall of Famer
I'm interested in exactly the same thing as JJong - and I am happy to share the use case. We are a B2B software company (much as you are) and when an MQL is moved to Sales, they can go in 3 direction: they proceed forward through the funnel as an SQL/Opportunity, they are disqualified because by nature of their title/company etc (such as they are a student or retired) they will never become a buyer or the THIRD possibility, which is where we need your help. Sales has spoken to this MQL and they are not ready to move forward in the Sales process for whatever reason but might buy someday. The Sales team wants to give them "Closed-Nurture" status so that Marketing continues to nurture them, exposing the prospect to new use cases until they see something that interests them and they earn more points and become an MQL again. MQLs all have at least 100 points, and we want everyone who Sales decides should be Closed-Nurture to have 50 points. The problem is that people become MQLs with a huge range of points - 105,110, 115, 120 - etc, all the way past 200 points. That means we can't just deduct 50. A POSSIBLE SOLUTION - would be if we could cap the HubSpot score at a maximum of 100. Is this possible? Herzlichen Dank!
This is exactly the problem I face. What is frustrating is that HubSpot decides to ignore this and technical support don't even seem to understand why you would need to reset the score. I used Marketo in the past and this was not even an issue. Of course you need to reset the score - this reflects that more nurture is required because the prospect is not ready to buy yet. This is especially important in low volume, high value sales. This appears to be an ongoing problem since 2017 and HubSpot's refusal to engage with paying customers on what is basic functionality is pitiful.
Really bizarre to me that scoring fields cannot be reset. Having worked with Marketo and Eloqua in the past, I figured this was table-stakes for lead scoring programs. Most companies use lead scoring to signal when a lead is ready for sales follow-up. Sometimes that sales follow-up results in an exit from the funnel due to bad timing or other legitimate reasons that don't always disqualify them for future opportunities. Your marketing team then nurtures those leads, and when enough behaviors add up, you reactivate them as being ready for sales follow-up after a new series of actions have qualified them. Sure, you can subtract points after someone moves to a disqualified status, but that may not reduce their score to below the threshold, or it may give them a negative score, depending on how high they were initially triggered. Very disappointed with the lack of flexibility on scoring fields in Hubspot.
This is not possible at this stage within HubSpot, but I'd recommend upvoting this Idea in our Ideas Forum regarding this. You can also subscribe to the idea (Options > Subscribe) to get notified if the status changes. It's currently marked as not currently planned but this can change based on feedback and comments. For more information on the Ideas Forum's processed you can check this resource.
Thought I had found the answer to my annoying issue then ConnorSlivinsky but unfortantly you can't edit a property that is set by Hubspot in workflows 😞 I want to introduce a model that degrades unactive prospects but then over a period of time the score is reset (as they might besome active again). I can't seem to find a hack for this.
Sadly not. This matter relates to re-counting the score. So when a contactperson is contacted by e.g. sales with an offer, but currently is not interested, it would be convenient to reset the score for that person. Then, when the contact performs several activities, he/she/they can score again from 0.