Lists, Lead Scoring & Workflows


List Filter for within time period


I am looking to find a way to create a filter that would let me add them back to the list if it has been more than "x" amount of time since receiving a particular email.

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1 Soluciones aceptada
Miembro del salón de la fama | Partner
Miembro del salón de la fama | Partner

List Filter for within time period


Hi @TopherDavison,


Do you have access to workflows?


If so, you would first create a custom date property and then a contact-based workflow. This workflow enrolls contacts that have received the email. The first and only step of that workflow is to set a date stamp. You can then use this date property in a list and filter for contacts where this date is more than x days ago:





Keep in mind that you shouldn't enroll contacts who meet the criteria already. These would all get today's date as a stamp then. This will only work from now onwards.


(If the email send dates are not static but different for contacts, I'm not aware of a solution that doesn't involve workflows.)


Best regards!

Karsten Köhler
HubSpot Freelancer | RevOps & CRM Consultant | Community Hall of Famer

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2 Respuestas 2
Miembro del salón de la fama | Partner
Miembro del salón de la fama | Partner

List Filter for within time period


Hi @TopherDavison,


Do you have access to workflows?


If so, you would first create a custom date property and then a contact-based workflow. This workflow enrolls contacts that have received the email. The first and only step of that workflow is to set a date stamp. You can then use this date property in a list and filter for contacts where this date is more than x days ago:





Keep in mind that you shouldn't enroll contacts who meet the criteria already. These would all get today's date as a stamp then. This will only work from now onwards.


(If the email send dates are not static but different for contacts, I'm not aware of a solution that doesn't involve workflows.)


Best regards!

Karsten Köhler
HubSpot Freelancer | RevOps & CRM Consultant | Community Hall of Famer

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List Filter for within time period


Unfortunately I do not have access to workflows.  Thank you for the input though!

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