Lists, Lead Scoring & Workflows


Lead distribution based on $ value

Hello community

I am working on lead reassignemnt such that we ensure every sales rep has the same $ value of deals in pipeline. 

While round robin ensures # deals are mostly fairly distributed, the $ value has a high disparity. We currently use # employees in lead's company as proxy for $ value. 

When one rep's pipeline has reached a target x$ in pipeline, i no longer want any leads to be assigned to him and no longer want any meetings to be set up with him. I instead want future leads to go to other reps. 

I appreciate any and all help on this!

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Lead distribution based on $ value

Hey there!

It sounds like you're trying to ensure a balanced distribution of both the number of deals and the value ($) of deals across your sales team. This is a common challenge in sales management, especially when trying to keep things fair and aligned with overall team performance.

Here is how you can approach this in HubSpot:

1. Lead Reassignment Based on Deal Value (Custom Workflows)
Unfortunately, HubSpot's built-in round-robin assignment primarily focuses on distributing based on deal count rather than deal value. However, you can set up a custom workflow that will help you with this.
You can create workflows that:
  • Track deal value: For each lead, you can use deal properties like deal amount, or you can set up a custom property to reflect the target deal value or assigned value.
  • Assign leads based on value: Once a rep’s pipeline reaches a certain deal value threshold (let’s say, $100,000), you can prevent future leads from being assigned to them.
  • To do this:
    1. Create a custom property for tracking each sales rep’s total pipeline value (you might need a workflow to update this property).
    2. Set a threshold value (e.g., $X,000) where once this is reached, no new leads are assigned to that rep.
    3. Create a workflow that checks this total pipeline value whenever a new lead is created and reassigns the lead to another rep if the pipeline value exceeds the threshold.
  • How to do it:
    • Create a workflow that triggers when a new deal is added to the pipeline.
    • Use a custom field or report to track the rep's total pipeline value.
    • If the rep's pipeline exceeds the defined threshold, then the deal should be assigned to the next available rep (you could do this using another workflow or through HubSpot's assignment rules).

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Lead distribution based on $ value

Thanks for this question, @BR_


I want to invite some subject matter experts to see if they have any suggestions.

Hey @franksteiner79, @CateDuarte, or @Jonno_Price do you have any suggestions for lead assignment distribution based on $ amount as opposed to count of Deals? 




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