Hi, I just took literally all morning creating a list and accidentally deleted it. Is there any way the tech team could recover the list from the server for me, this is a real nightmare for me.
I accidentally deleted some contacts and restored them. Are they all restored to the Workflows they belonged to? I would hope not, because that's a ton of work to get them back where they were. (Or impossible)
I was able to confirm with my team if a contact is enrolled in a workflow, the contact is deleted and then restored. The contact will still meet the enrollment criteria of the workflow when they are restored, so they will be enrolled at the point they were at in the workflow when they were deleted.
It may be best to restore a single contact and confirm the behavior on your end or use a test contact.
Thank you very much Daniel but I'm talking about a 'contact list' in my lists library for marketing emails. Bear in mind I'm using the free version of Hubspot as well.